Wednesday 3 January 2018

How to Call an Application Engine Process from App Studio

Alright folks in my previous post I gave you an introduction to Application Engine.

We also created out first process and called HelloWorld...

Awesome let's now have a look at calling this process in App Studio.

Let's create a new report and call it App Engine Sample.

This is how my report looks. I thought I will go green :D

I have made the parameter 1 and 2 cells editable so that user can enter the values. You can do this by right clicking on the cell > Format Cells >  Protection Tab > remove the tick on Cells check box

I have also added a button to calculate the values and once calculated it should show the result next to the Answer text box.

Note : I have created a report variable to assign the result from the Application process.

Let's define an action on button.

For the action lets select Application Engine Process..

Select the HelloWorld version. ( I am selecting version 2 as this is my latest version)

Set the rv_Result to Action.Result.Text

Now let's set the input parameters.

Set the 2 cells in your report for Input 1 and 2 . In my case its E4 and E5.

Ok done and dusted. Finally make sure you drag and drop the report variable on to the Answer text box so that it automatically updates when we click on Calculate.


That's just the basics. You can look at the help in App Engine to have a look at the more complex use cases.

Hope this post helped you to get started with App Engine. I am working on more complex scenarios and will keep you posted with my findings soon.

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